Our Mission
With a focus on "Social Photography" My goal is to travel around the United States to our countries most beautiful places, exposing the not so pretty side of a world where homelessness is truth. The idea is to "introduce Americans to Americans" but also give each individual a chance to voice their opinion, share their story, express their frustration and rebirth themselves through the post cards they write to a long lost relative, loved one or even use their postcard as a soap box to voice their opinions to the world. Each postcards gives each individual a chance to be seen through their photo and also heard through their own words.
The idea is to shine truth and light upon the impressions being left by our generations homeless and bringing awareness to the masses. Like the American flappers of the 20's or the Jamaican Rude boys of the 1960's, each counter culture encompasses a unique stigma. The same is true for our nations abandoned and impoverished. Because these people do exist, their faces are seen but their voices are rarely heard, thus allowing "US" as a society to disregard them and make our own assumptions of their circumstance. Our assumptions become their existence...but that will be no more.