If you had a postcard...who would you send it to...what would it say?

Leo- nine years homeless

I'd send it to you and let you do what ever the hell you wanted to do with it. I'm not homeless because I want to be, I'm homeless because someone has to be. 
People like to believe that poverty is self inflicted due to a drug addiction or dependency of some kind, when in all reality the dependencies come from the abandonment we feel from our own country, our own people. Its really something you should look more into. Postcards are for people with mailing addresses.

Brian- eleven years homeless
I figure I could write a postcard if I had some stamps and a fancy envelope but I'm not really into school projects or things like that so I will just say that Kentucky has some of the best weed I ever smoked, and if you want to keep a "what you call homeless person" happy just give them some weed. Don't hold on so tight to the things you think are important. People walk by us and hold on to a nickel, a dollar a dime. They would rather lose that money than give it to us. It's true it really is true.

Cameron- seven years homeless (this time)

I'd send it to Cindy and I'd say, although I have not seen your wings I know that you are and angel. Home is where the heart is, no home. So many of us are just trying to hide from the pain or stay away from more pain. That's kinda what makes us what we are. I had a job but I messed that up because I drink a lot and smoke weed excessively.

(name)- two years homeless

Some people would say I'm homeless but I have a truck I sleep in and eat in and when I want to be alone I lock the doors. I would tell law makers stop making it so hard for people to eat and stop spending money on NASA. I don't know a lot about it but I read they spent more on NASA in one year than they did on made me madder than hell. I think its funny that people think because were on the streets were stupid or uneducated. Some of the smartest people I ever met live under that bridge.

Travis- three years homeless
The boardwalks the place to be. Life is simple, the waves are fast and the only thing you have to worry about out here is a shark attack and honestly baby, I don't swim so its all good. If you got a guitar and a friend or two you got very little to worry about. Postcards from the homeless huh? I don't know how I feel about that name but mama its all good. I guess is that enough?

George - years homeless unknown 
I'd write to the world and title it the worst day of my life. The worst day of my life was when my two sons walked by me and didn't know who I was.  Maybe they did, maybe they didn't, I don't know which is worse but honestly the feelings are the same. People always said I had a smile worth a million much you think its worth these days?

Jose-one year homeless 
I don't write that good and I dont know who I would send it to but I guess
I would talke about how they tried to deport me last year, when I had been here since I was eleven. I didn't bring myself here, I don't know nothing about TJ (Tijuana, Mexico) I crawled right back across the day the sent me there. I ain't got no papers and Bush and Obama made sure social security numbers keep us from working. I definitely ain't trying to live with Travis the rest of my life... but I ain't going back to TJ neither.

Ron- seven years homeless
I moved out here to be with the daughter I never met. Neither one of us knew the circumstances and neither one of us knew shit about each other. It was about a month before she didn't want nothing to do with me and I sure as hell don't want nothing to do with her now neither. I want to send this postcard to her mother. I would say evil is skin deep and so is eveything else. I met a monster and created one as well.